
CPLC Water Limited

CPLC Water specialize in the design and construction of flood defences and flood barriers for property level protection (PLP) We have a team of highly trained and experienced design and construction engineers, who are dedicated to providing the best flood mitigation measures for your requirements. In association with UK Flood Barriers, our team of BPEC accredited installers operate throughout the Wessex area and provide detailed residential and commercial property surveys to assess property level flood protection requirements. all products are PAS1188 tested and BSi Kite marked.

Flood Protection and Drainage Engineering Services

CPLC Water is an independent company dedicated to providing a comprehensive service dedicated to all aspects of flood management, drainage and water engineering. With over 15 years’ experience within the industry, CPLC Water offers a reliable and professional consultancy, design and installation service for flooding, drainage and water engineering sector.

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