
Wrexham school children become ‘Digital Heroes’ 

Cwmpas and Digital Communities Wales trains pupils at three local schools to be confident in using tech and to support others in getting online.  

The idea behind ‘Digital Heroes’ is simple: train kids in tech so that they can then use their skills to help others who struggle to learn how to use a computer, tablet or phone. That may a family member, friend or member of the local community. 

Primary school children training to be Digital Heroes at Borras Park Primary School in Wrexham

Photo courtesy of Wrexham Council News

It can make a particular difference to people who are living with dementia, as evidence shows they can have a higher level of positive engagement when interacting with children. 

And, of course, the children enjoy improving their tech skills, too. 

Pupils from Borras Park Primary School, Victoria CP Primary School and the Rofft Primary School are the latest to benefit from the training. Successful training schemes have also taken place at St Julian’s Primary School, Ysgol Borras and Ysgol Emmanuel – for further details, see the case studies on the Digital Communities Wales website. Over the next year, training will be offered to all schools in Wrexham. 

Cllr John Pritchard, Lead Member for Adult Social Care, says: ‘We’re keen to work with all of the schools in Wrexham to promote Digital Heroes to enable children to help others in the community, as well as raise awareness of dementia and the signs of dementia. Everyone benefits from this integrated approach. For example, the children get to sing, entertain or play games, as well as share some digital skills, and the older generation can teach important life lessons and the importance of working, as well as telling lots of wonderful stories.’  

Cllr Phil Wynn, Lead Member for Education, adds: ‘This is a really positive initiative that encourages children and young people to share their digital skills with others in the community, and in turn get to learn important values as well. We’re delighted that pupils from the three Wrexham primary schools were shown the value of being a Digital Hero and look forward to other schools benefitting from this training.’ 

A spokesperson for Borras Park Primary School said: ‘The children really enjoyed the training and wear their badges proudly around school. Since the training, we have discussed different ways we can put their new skills to use with community members and parents. It was a pleasure to host the event. We have worked with Digital Communities Wales for a number of years and we have always found the projects we have participated in very rewarding.’ 

In related news:

Interview: Jo Lovell Director of Inclusive Communities at Cwmpas on tackling digital exclusion in Wales

Tackling Wakefield’s digital divide with cafes and free laptops

£600k for digital inclusion in Scotland

Simon Guerrier
Writer and journalist for Infotec, Social Care Today and Air Quality News
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